Category: Artificial Intelligence

Idea for the future: Eastower (OVO.P.V) will be a 5G wireless ‘picks and shovels’ play

“What sector is hot?” is the one question I get asked more than any other. Well, okay, maybe “Why didn’t you respond to my text?” is the most asked, but the sector question is a close second. The answer can change by the month. We’ve had cannabis runs, crypto runs, psychedelic runs, mining runs, e-sports […]

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Video: Intema Solutions (ITM.V) CEO explains how his 20-year-old tech company is evolving

Vancouver-based veteran news anchor Jody Vance likes to walk CEOs back from their usual ‘inside baseball’ business pitches and explain their deals so that anyone can understand them, and that’s a good thing when it comes to Intema Solutions (ITM.V) because it’s a technology company in the midst of a pivot that will make them… Read More »Video: Intema Solutions (ITM.V) CEO explains how his 20-year-old tech company is evolving