Tag: telemedicine

This week in tech: the last dance edition

This year hasn’t been particularly good for the markets. The decline over the past year has been brutal, including volatility on major indexes, inflation hikes and of course the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Uncertainty seems to be the order of the day both domestically and globally. It also means there’s opportunity for investors. Volatility seems to be… Read More »This week in tech: the last dance edition

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This week in tech: pleasant surprise edition

It’s been an interesting week in the tech world. While there’s a high volume of blockchain and cryptocurrency related companies on this list, there are a few surprise entries from disparate places you wouldn’t normally think of as investment opportunities. That’s where the surprise comes in. Check it out. Intellabridge Kash 2.0 launch will include… Read More »This week in tech: pleasant surprise edition

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This Week in Tech: Demand and the Pandemic Edition

There’s no end to the pandemic in sight. It’ll disappear for a few months and people will complain about those kids flocking to the beaches for the summer months. Come October we’ll have the usual questions about lockdowns and whether this year’s strain is going to be as bad as the one before it. It’s… Read More »This Week in Tech: Demand and the Pandemic Edition

The post This Week in Tech: Demand and the Pandemic Edition appeared first on Equity.Guru.

Idea for the future: Eastower (OVO.P.V) will be a 5G wireless ‘picks and shovels’ play

“What sector is hot?” is the one question I get asked more than any other. Well, okay, maybe “Why didn’t you respond to my text?” is the most asked, but the sector question is a close second. The answer can change by the month. We’ve had cannabis runs, crypto runs, psychedelic runs, mining runs, e-sports… Read More »Idea for the future: Eastower (OVO.P.V) will be a 5G wireless ‘picks and shovels’ play

Idea for the future: Eastower (OVO.P.V) will be a 5G wireless ‘picks and shovels’ play

“What sector is hot?” is the one question I get asked more than any other. Well, okay, maybe “Why didn’t you respond to my text?” is the most asked, but the sector question is a close second. The answer can change by the month. We’ve had cannabis runs, crypto runs, psychedelic runs, mining runs, e-sports… Read More »Idea for the future: Eastower (OVO.P.V) will be a 5G wireless ‘picks and shovels’ play

Idea for the future: Eastower (OVO.P.V) will be a 5G wireless ‘picks and shovels’ play

“What sector is hot?” is the one question I get asked more than any other. Well, okay, maybe “Why didn’t you respond to my text?” is the most asked, but the sector question is a close second. The answer can change by the month. We’ve had cannabis runs, crypto runs, psychedelic runs, mining runs, e-sports […]

The post Idea for the future: Eastower (OVO.P.V) will be a 5G wireless ‘picks and shovels’ play appeared first on Equity.Guru.